Bible Characters/Places and Key People

Jesus Christ

  • Sermon Reference: Throughout the sermon as the ultimate Savior and the one who will return for the Rapture.
  • Background Context: The Son of God, born of the Virgin Mary, crucified for the sins of humanity, and resurrected. He is the central figure of the New Testament.
  • Importance: The lynchpin of Christian faith, Jesus Christ's second coming is the focus of the sermon. His teachings and sacrifice offer the sole path to salvation, emphasizing the urgency of being prepared for His imminent return.


  • Sermon Reference: Mentioned extensively as the Biblical figure whose times are analogous to current times.
  • Background Context: A righteous man chosen by God to build the ark and save a remnant of creation from the Great Flood, as detailed in Genesis.
  • Importance: Noah serves as a compelling parallel to modern times, highlighting the cavalier, careless, and corrupt nature of society that ignores divine warning. His obedience and faithfulness offer a stark contrast and a model to emulate.


  • Sermon Reference: Briefly mentioned to reinforce the prevailing attitudes during his time in Sodom.
  • Background Context: A man of faith who lived in the sinful cities of Sodom and Gomorrah and was saved by divine intervention before their destruction.
  • Importance: Lot's experiences add another layer of urgency to the sermon, reminding us that divine judgement can come suddenly and unexpectedly.


  • Sermon Reference: Mentioned for his prophetic words about the coming of scoffers in the last days.
  • Background Context: One of Jesus' twelve apostles, who later becomes a key leader in the early Christian church.
  • Importance: Peter's words echo the sermon's theme of the last days, emphasizing the importance of vigilance and readiness for Christ's return.

Shem, Ham, and Japheth

  • Sermon Reference: Mentioned as Noah's sons who were saved from the Great Flood.
  • Background Context: Noah's three sons, who along with their wives, were the human survivors of the Flood and ancestors of all post-Flood humanity.
  • Importance: They are symbolic of the saved family unit and the significance of heeding divine instruction for the well-being of loved ones.


  • Sermon Reference: Referred to when discussing the inherited sinful nature of humanity.
  • Background Context: The first man created by God, as detailed in Genesis, whose disobedience led to the fall of mankind.
  • Importance: Adam’s disobedience underscores the fallen nature of humanity and the necessity of salvation through Jesus Christ.

W.A. Criswell

  • Sermon Reference: Mentioned as the preacher's friend and mentor in discussing the one door of the ark.
  • Background Context: A prominent Baptist pastor and theologian.
  • Importance: His insights on the exclusivity of salvation amplify the sermon's call to enter the "one door," Jesus Christ, for eternal security.

Embark on a profound journey through this sermon, guided by these pivotal figures. Their roles in both Biblical history and this sermon illustrate the magnitude and gravity of preparing for the Rapture. This is not just a sermon; it's a wake-up call. Are you ready?